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Community Planning Program of Projects - Released for Public Comment

September 8, 2017

Chicago, IL –The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) announces a public comment period on nine projects proposed as part of the 2018 Community Planning Program of Projects.  Public comments will be accepted until September 30, 2017.   The proposed Program of Projects was developed based on applications submitted during a call for projects and vetted by a project selection team composed of staff from the RTA. Applications were selected partially based on input from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and the Service Boards (CTA, Metra and Pace).

The RTA’s Community Planning program provides funding as well as technical assistance to applicants for implementation and planning projects that benefit the community and the regional transit system. A call for projects was held May 5 through June 29, 2017. Eligible projects include transit-oriented development (TOD) plans, transit corridor plans, TOD zoning code updates, TOD developer discussion panels, transit neighborhood mobility improvement plans, plans to develop special funding districts in transit areas, and other innovative implementation approaches. The Community Planning program strives not just to plan for the future, but to provide assistance that achieves results. 

The RTA reviewed the fourteen applications that were received in response to the call for projects, and recommended nine projects as described below. Final project selection will be complete in October 2017. Public comments on these projects may be submitted at the following e-mail address:


Project Title


Village of Bartlett

TOD Zoning Code Overlay

This project seeks to implement Bartlett’s 2016 Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan by updating their current zoning ordinance. The Village is interested in using form-based zoning codes to attract mixed-use developments. Through this project the Village would create a downtown overlay zoning district to guide development in the TOD area.    

Village of Winthrop Harbor 

TOD Developer Discussion Panel 

The Village seeks to implement the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan that was created in 2005 by convening a developer discussion panel. The Village is looking for guidance how to attract development/redevelopment opportunities in their TOD area. 

Village of Maywood

TOD Plan / Update 

This project will update the station area plan for the area surrounding the new Maywood Metra commuter rail station. The focus of the planning effort will be along the 5th Avenue and Lake Street downtown business corridors within a quarter mile of the station and will explore ways to increase residential density and affordable housing near the station. 

Village of Robbins 

TOD Plan 

The RTA will work with CMAP to identify recommendations for approximately 140 acres of land that will be removed from the floodplain as part of a proposed solution to historic flooding in the Village. The Village envisions a mixed-use neighborhood on this land nearest the Metra station as well as a park and open space to the north. Proximity to the Metra station will serve as a major draw to attract new residents, creating demand for greater retail options and other developments in the area. 

City of Chicago 

Corridor Study

This project will develop a plan on two corridors: the East 75th and East 79th Street corridors, between Stony Island Avenue and the lakefront in the South Shore neighborhood. The plan will focus on land use, business retention, housing and connectivity to transit for both corridors.

Village of Mundelein

Transit Corridor Funding Study

This study seeks to create a coordinated sub-regional investment plan framework focused on the communities served by the Metra North Central Service. Project initiatives will identify planned enhancements to the line, outline implementation strategies, identify traditional and non-traditional funding sources for infrastructure improvements, and provide parameters for legal authority to move forward. 

Village of Schiller Park 

TOD Plan

This project will create a transit-oriented development plan for the Village of Schiller Park on land formerly used an intermodal railyard. The availability of this land in the center of the Village creates a major redevelopment opportunity and this project will help the Village envision its future potential. 

Village of Brookfield

TOD Developer Discussion Panel

This project will assist the Village of Brookfield with a Developer Discussion Panel to gather guidance and advice from development experts. The objective is to attract development to vacant sites and encourage infill development. The Developer Discussion Panel will help the Village determine goals and needs in order to best utilize the land. 

Town of Cicero 

Zoning Code Update

This project will update the Town’s Zoning Code to align with their recently adopted Cicero Connections Initiative Plan, funded by the RTA, and the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The project will explore form based code elements to create a unified and streamlined zoning code process that will attract development, and will recognize the availability of transit service to explore greater density in commercial neighborhoods, sustainable development principles, and reduced zoning code parking requirements. 

Press Information

Melissa Meyer

Communications Manager
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