RTA funds Phase I engineering for bicycle, pedestrian transit access improvements in four communities
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020
Contact: Melissa Meyer, Communications Specialist
312-913-3121 MeyerM@RTAChicago.org
CHICAGO – The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is announcing $195,000 in funding through its Access to Transit program to help four communities in Northeastern Illinois complete Phase I engineering for projects that will improve pedestrian and bicycle access to public transit.
The RTA launched Access to Transit in 2012 to support small-scale capital projects that improve multimodal connections to public transportation. The four projects recently approved by the RTA Board of Directors will receive funding for Phase I engineering, a frequent barrier to securing funding and completing projects.
For the first time in 2020, the RTA added Phase I engineering as an eligible project type for communities of high need based on tax base, median income, and other economic and demographic characteristics. Helping high need communities complete Phase I engineering opens the door for them to access larger state or federal programs for construction funding.
The approved projects are described below or can be explored in an online story map:
“Investing in pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure near transit provides several benefits for both local communities and the RTA system,” said RTA Executive Director Leanne Redden. “Each of these projects will help increase transit ridership, promote healthy walkable communities, and make it safer and easier for riders to get to and from transit.”
To date, Access to Transit has funded 28 projects in communities throughout the region for a total investment of roughly $13 million in federal, RTA, and local funds. Detailed information on past projects is available on RTAMS.org.
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