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Strategic plan word cloud RTA Kicks Off Next Regional Transit Strategic Planning Process: Plan Being Developed in Partnership with CTA, Metra and Pace

By Jessica Hector-Hsu, Director Planning and Market Development The RTA kicked off the planning process to prepare the 2018-2023 Regional Transit Strategic P...

Mar 24, 2017
22 RTA 0646 Regional Transit Peer Reviews Show System Ranks Well

The RTA has released two peer performance measure reports, the 2015 Regional Peer Review and the 2015 Sub-Regional Peer Review that focus on how the Chicago ...

Mar 16, 2017
John mccarthy metra rock island conductor1 Say “Thank You” to Transit Employees on Friday and Saturday

John McCarthy, Conductor, Metra Rock Island Line, Transit Employee Appreciation Day, 2016 This Friday, March 17 and Saturday, March 18 are Transit Employee A...

Mar 15, 2017
Jefferson park Chicago's Jefferson Park Starting Work on Transit Supportive Master Plan

Chicago’s Jefferson Park community has announced plans to develop a transit supportive master plan to enhance the area surrounding the community’s Transit Ce...

Mar 14, 2017
Report card flickr1 It's ASCE Report Card Day: Time to Do Our Homework

Remember report card day?  Sweaty palms.  Wondering exactly how it would go.  Hoping your teacher liked you enough to show some mercy. Today, the American S...

Mar 9, 2017
Planningworkshop bhacker rta 11 RTA-Chaddick Institute 2017 Regional Planning Workshop a Success

RTA Senior Planner, Local Planning & Programs, Brian Hacker presents at yesterday's regional Planning Workshop. We’re pleased to report that the RTA Plan...

Mar 9, 2017
Images2 2 RTA Salutes Transportation Leaders on Women's Day

The RTA is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day by honoring three female transportation leaders in our region.   International Women's Day is a globa...

Mar 8, 2017
Lake county pace vehicle RTA Announces Call for Projects: Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities

The RTA is calling today for Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities projects. We are inviting local governments, private...

Mar 2, 2017
Rand road photo1 2 Mount Prospect Completes Rand Road Corridor Plan; RTA Support Helps Bring Plan to Life

We are pleased to report that the Village of Mount Prospect Village Board recently accepted the Rand Road Corridor Plan, which was partially funded by the RT...

Mar 1, 2017
Img 3384 l Transit Benefits: It’s the "RIDE" Thing to Do

By: Roxann Galvan, Transit Benefit Program Manager Everyone’s looking for ways to save money on Tax Day and throughout the year. As we all start to get our ...

Feb 23, 2017
Bh story map Story Maps Help Riders Learn About RTA Work

The work of the RTA benefits the region, though much of what the RTA does from day-to-day is not easily seen by our riders. Two members of our staff have fo...

Feb 21, 2017
2017 capital investment bridge the gap cover Bridge the Gap: A companion piece to capital assessment report

Yesterday, RTA staff presented the agency’s 2016 Capital Asset Condition Assessment Report to the RTA Board of Directors.   The report finds that the RTA reg...

Feb 17, 2017
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