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Img 96251 e1461680288413 RTA Holding Information Session about Access to Transit Improvement Program

The RTA is issuing a Call for Projects for its Access to Transit Improvement Program. This program provides capital funding for small-scale projects that i...

Apr 26, 2016
Earthday image RTA Encourages Commuters to Celebrate Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!  What are you doing today to show your love for our beautiful earth? Hopefully you're among the millions of CTA, Metra and Pace riders who...

Apr 22, 2016
22 RTA 0646 Federal Funding for Red Line 'L' North Renovation May Get Green Light

@cta For those of you who take the Red Line North, it seems we may be "on track" to get federal funding for its ongoing renovation.  As is being reported tod...

Apr 20, 2016
Img 0481 Talking Capital Funding on WBBM

  [caption id="attachment_1615" align="alignnone" width="640"] WBBM's Craig Dellimore and RTA E.D. Leanne Redden[/caption] @wbbmnewsradio @LReddenRTA @Crai...

Apr 14, 2016
22 RTA 0646 An "L" of a Story...

@cta @DNAinfoCHI--DNAinfo  published a story looking at how we all ride the CTA "L".  Are you blue, orange or brown? Do you like to be close to the door or f...

Apr 12, 2016
22 RTA 0646 Snow melting? Get out those shovels!

@Metra @MetraCEO We want to congratulate Metra on its announcement this week of its 2016 construction program.  Riders will soon start seeing signs of  impro...

Apr 8, 2016
Metra sox Have a Ball on Transit

["[gallery ids=\"/uploads/images/blog/WP-Old/2016/04/metra-sox.png",",/uploads/images/blog/WP-Old/2016/04/cubs-pix.jpg","\" type=\"rectangular\"]\n\nWe're fo...

Apr 8, 2016
22 RTA 0646 Chicago and CTA a Transit Leader

@cta We wanted to pass along this article to Ride On readers, in case some of you missed it.  It points to Chicago and the CTA as an example of addressing tr...

Apr 7, 2016
Leanne photo cityclub RTA Executive Director champions need for regional capital funding at City Club  

  RTA Executive Director Leanne Redden told a packed house at City Club yesterday that an investment in public transit is an investment in our economy and o...

Apr 6, 2016
Aqualine sub final Hold your breath, we’re going underwater

The RTA is proud to announce the addition of a new transit line in our region running along Lake Michigan: the all-new Aqua Line. In addition to trains an...

Apr 1, 2016
Comto2 group COMTO Encourages Transit Careers among High School Female Students

[caption id="attachment_1500" align="alignnone" width="2835"] (L-R)Top: Lopez, Whiteside, Thomas and Albano; Bottom: Patterson, Redden and Hickey[/caption] ...

Mar 31, 2016
Sunrise on prairiepath CMAP Needs Your Input on Bicycle Usage in the Region

CMAP is seeking your input on bicycle usage in northeastern Illinois through their survey. Your input will help develop an analysis tool that will better d...

Mar 30, 2016
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