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Michael lewis RTA is Proud to Continue Celebrating Black History Month

[caption id="attachment_1257" align="alignnone" width="370"] RTA Board of Director Michael W. Lewis[/caption] Director Michael W. Lewis was appointed to the...

Feb 23, 2016
Rtams photo RTA Mapping and Statistics website offers wealth of information on transit in our region

Have you ever taken public transportation? Wondered how many people ride your bus? Or, how your tax dollars from your town or county are being spent on tra...

Feb 18, 2016
22 RTA 0646 CTA 2015 Rail Ridership New Record High

CTA announced its rail ridership for 2015 jumped to a new record high, with more than 241 million rides! That's the highest recorded level for rail ridership...

Feb 16, 2016
22 RTA 0646 RTA Receives GFOA Distinguished CAFR Award for 21st Year in Row

Great news! The RTA is once again the recipient of the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Certificate of Achiev...

Feb 16, 2016
22 RTA 0646 The RTA is proud to celebrate February as Black History Month

[caption id="attachment_1158" align="alignnone" width="398"] RTA Board Director Christopher C. Melvin, Jr.[/caption] Director Christopher C. Melvin, Jr. was...

Feb 12, 2016
Black history month Did you know there’s a Chicago connection to Black History month?

Dr. Carter Goodwin Woodson, noted historian and author and alumnus of the University of Chicago, is the reason we celebrate Black History month today. Afte...

Feb 12, 2016
22 RTA 0646 Remembering former Illinois Senate President Phil Rock and his contributions to the RTA

Later this week, former Illinois Senate President Phil Rock will be laid to rest.  Former President Rock played a pivotal role in the creation of the RTA, ad...

Feb 9, 2016
22 RTA 0646 Green is the right direction!

The 2013-2018  Regional Transit Strategic Plan, a collaboration between the RTA, CTA, Metra and Pace, has four goals. Goal number three is to promote a green...

Feb 1, 2016
Rta2016 maps RTA Regional and Downtown Maps are Available

["[gallery ids=\"/uploads/images/blog/WP-Old/2016/02/map-cover-jan-2016-geometric-ob-phone-ventra3gr.jpg",",/uploads/images/blog/WP-Old/2016/02/map-cover-jan...

Feb 1, 2016
Background and overview charette RTA helps City of Aurora Improve Access to Transit

[caption id="attachment_1073" align="alignright" width="3008"] Charrette participants discuss potential pedestrian access improvement at the Route 59 Metra S...

Jan 27, 2016
2016 01 25 10 24 24 We All "Benefit" from Transit Parity

You may have read on this blog and elsewhere recently about the passage late last year of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, which restore...

Jan 25, 2016
Rta urbpanels laugh We’ve Been Riding On. for A Year...

[youtube] One year ago we launched the Ride On. marketing campaign across the Chicagoland region in coordination...

Jan 25, 2016
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