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22 RTA 0646 Operation North Pole

We encourage you to join Metra in this holiday celebration. Read More:      

Dec 10, 2015
22 RTA 0646 FAST Act Moves Us Forward

Again, I want to thank the United States Congress and especially members of the Illinois delegation for the support of public transportation in our region an...

Dec 8, 2015
Bea reyna hickey photo RTA CFO Recipient of Freda Johnson Trail Blazers Award

[caption id="attachment_602" align="alignnone" width="229"] Bea Reyna-Hickey[/caption] Congratulations to our very own Bea Reyna-Hickey, Chief Financial Off...

Dec 7, 2015
22 RTA 0646 RTA Welcomes Passage of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act)

This five-year package, which includes $61 billion for public transportation, makes critical long-term investments in the nation’s transit networks and pro...

Dec 4, 2015
22 RTA 0646 Support Transit Parity

I am proud to have sent a letter today on behalf of the RTA staff, Board of Directors and regional riders, to our region's federal delegation, thanking them ...

Dec 4, 2015
Dillardtalk Business Outlook 2016: Chairman Dillard Headliner

[caption id="attachment_550" align="alignnone" width="250"] RTA Chairman Kirk Dillard speaking at the Newsmakers’ FORUM sponsored by the Daily Herald Busines...

Dec 4, 2015
Finance meeting Transit Agencies Present 2016 Proposed Budgets to RTA Finance Committee

[caption id="attachment_522" align="alignleft" width="3008"] Metra Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Don Orseno (center) discusses Metra's 2016 ...

Dec 3, 2015
22 RTA 0646 Congress Moves Towards Passing Landmark Surface Transportation Bill

After several years of relying on stopgap measures to fund the nation’s transportation infrastructure needs, Congress is moving towards passing a long-term h...

Dec 2, 2015
22 RTA 0646

A meaningful editorial by RTA Chairman Kirk Dillard appeared in the Chicago Sun Times yesterday.  We thought you might like to read it, so we've inserted it ...

Nov 30, 2015
22 RTA 0646 "Sharing" the Space

More and more, riders in the RTA region know a transportation eco-system exists in our region, and its backbone is the six-county public transportation syste...

Nov 24, 2015
22 RTA 0646 CTA listens to riders and restores two bus lines

Two bus routes are being restored as pilots due to the CTA listening to its riders. The CTA announced that it is bringing back the #11 Lincoln Avenue and 31s...

Nov 23, 2015
22 RTA 0646 Lucky to Have a Transit System

The Chicago Tribune's Richard Wronski just published a piece that gives Chicago a dubious honor and gives us all more proof that the RTA region's infamous tr...

Nov 23, 2015
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