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SB Pace Blog Header 1110x545 1 Pace leader says innovation is essential for future of transit

The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing our...

Jan 25, 2022
SB CTA Blog Header 1110x545 1 CTA top planner says equity will be at the core of agency's future

The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing our...

Jan 25, 2022
SB Metra Blog Header 1110x545 1 Metra leader says funding is key to improved operations, climate goals

The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing our...

Jan 25, 2022
PMO Blog Header 1110x545 1 RTA oversight ensures transit projects are delivered on time, on budget

Throughout 2021, work to enhance the region’s transit system continued with 80 capital projects underway across CTA, Metra, and Pace that translated to $7.16...

Jan 21, 2022
Rta guest blog bg Rochelle Jackson Guest blogger and community activist Rochelle Jackson says everyone needs transportation options

The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing our...

Jan 13, 2022
01 10 22 Regional Strategic Transit Plan Q and A Yousef Guest blogger from CMAP encourages collaboration, new ideas for the future of transit

The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing our...

Jan 10, 2022
Access to Transit Blog 12 3 21 1110x545 RTA Access to Transit program to fund better connections in six communities in 2022

The RTA is announcing more than $300,000 in funding through its Access to Transit program to help six communities in Northeastern Illinois improve connection...

Dec 13, 2021
Rta guest blog bg Jesse Elam Guest blogger from Cook County DOTH weighs in on how RTA can balance transit’s current needs and future opportunities

 The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing ou...

Dec 7, 2021
Guest blog bg 05 Kevin Considine Guest blogger from Lake County Partners encourages collaboration for a transit system that supports regional economic development  

 The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities facing ou...

Nov 30, 2021
2022 Budget Connections hero 1110x545 RTA seeking public comment, to hold virtual hearing on 2022 proposed budget

Over the next month, the RTA is seeking public comment and will hold a virtual public hearing on the 2022 Proposed Operating Budget, Two-Year Financial Plan,...

Nov 19, 2021
RTA and UTC Emerging from crisis Blog Public forum focuses on lessons from the pandemic in planning for transit’s future

COVID-19 has been the biggest disruption to our region’s public transit system in its history. In early November 2021, the RTA gathered a panel of experts to...

Nov 16, 2021
Rta guest blog bg Audrey Wennink Guest blogger Audrey Wennink from MPC says transit can be a public health, equity solution

   The RTA is currently developing the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan for Northeastern Illinois at a time when the challenges and opportunities faci...

Nov 10, 2021
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