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A Pace Paratransit driver assists a man with a walker in getting into the vehicle using a lift.

Section 5310

The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program is a federal program that aims to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options. 

Icon Section5310 Enhanced Mobility rv

Goals for Human Services Transportation

The RTA is required to have a Human Services Transportation Plan for the region to guide the policy and strategy behind the Section 5310 program. Updated in 2021, the HSTP plan process included participation from seniors, nonprofit transportation and human service providers and other members of the public. It identifies the transportation needs of these groups, identifies strategies for meeting those needs, and prioritizes services and projects for funding.

The HSTP update identified nine coordinated transportation goals

1. Establish mobility management and travel training networks

2. Expand service areas and hours

3. Coordinate fare media and implement capped fares for certain trips

4. Coordinate volunteer driver support programs

5. Improve access to suburban jobs for residents with low incomes

6. Expand consolidated vehicle procurement types

7. Explore collaboration/consolidation of similar services

8. Establish a regional 1 call/1 click service

9. Create an accessibility infrastructure database

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Program of Projects

The following projects were approved by the RTA Board on September 14, 2023 as part of the FY2022 & FY2023 Section 5310 program of projects. For more information on a particular project, please click on the applicant name in the chart below to view the project application.

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FY2022 & FY2023 Section 5310 Program of Projects


Project Title

Description and Justification

Total Estimated Budget

Federal Share


Community Connections for Adults with Disabilities

This project provides transportation services to more than 6,000 seniors and individuals with disabilities. Clients are transported to work, school, day programs, medical appointments, community recreation, and other activities. This is an existing Section 5310 operating funded project.



CTF Illinois

CTF ILLINOIS: Point-to-Point Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities

This project provides transportation support individuals with disabilities. The door-to-door transportation services are vital to allow persons enrolled at CTF greater access to their daily supports including community employment, day programs, social and recreational activities, and medical appointments. This award includes funding for operations and a mobility manager. This is an existing Section 5310 funded project.



DuPage County

Transportation to Work (Ride DuPage)

The Transportation to Work Program provides demand-responsive transportation to and from work for persons with disabilities. The program operates 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and serves all of DuPage County. This is an existing Section 5310 operating funded project.



Kane County

Ride in Kane Phase 21 & 22

The Ride in Kane project coordinates dial-a-ride services in Kane County for older adults and persons with disabilities. The sponsors of this project include multiple private non-profit organizations and local units of government. The award includes funding to support a position to lead mobility management efforts for Ride in Kane. This is an existing Section 5310 funded project.



Kendall County

Kendall Area Transit

Kendall Area Transit is a demand responsive dial-a-ride service that serves primarily senior citizens and persons with disabilities in the urban portions of Kendall County. The service is also open to general public. Service is provided Monday-Friday from 6:00 AM -7:00 PM except certain holidays. The award includes operating, capital and mobility management funding. This is an existing Section 5310 funded project.



Little City Foundation

Transportation Project

This project provides transportation for seniors and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,

for the purpose of attending day programs, medical appointments, employment, shopping, and community integration activities. This is an existing Section 5310 operating funded project.



McHenry County

McRide Dial-A-Ride

The MCRide program provides countywide coordinated dial-a-ride service to seniors and individuals with disabilities operating seven days of the week, from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. This is an existing Section 5310 operating project.



Ray Graham Association

Comprehensive Transportation Program

Individuals with disabilities are transported from their homes to Community Learning Centers and a variety of other activities including grocery shopping, medical appointments, volunteer opportunities and recreational activities. Service is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. This award funds operating and mobility management position. This is an existing Section 5310 operating project.



Will County

Will-Ride Transportation Services

This program provides transportation and mobility management services for persons with disabilities and older adults residing in eastern Will County townships. The award funds the County’s Mobility Manager position. This is an existing Section 5310 project.




Tactile Signage at CTA Bus Stops

This project will install tactile signs at all bus stop poles where CTA public information signs are currently posted to provide information about the exact bus stop location to customers who are blind or have visual or cognitive disabilities. Tactile Signage encourages individuals who currently rely on paratransit services to use fixed-route transit, even for trips where fixed-route service may have been available and at greater service span, frequency, and lower cost to operate than paratransit service.




Metra ADA Signage

This project will install 250 visual information systems (VIS) sign displays at 125 of Metra's 242 stations. The VIS signs are Metra's next generation of video monitor boards that display real-time train tracking information, arrival times, and travel alerts. VIS signs provide visual information that is a requirement to be compliant with ADA law as it pertains to transit stations and are particularly beneficial for people with hearing impairments and seniors with disabilities.




Phase IX Regional Call Center

Phase IX of Pace's Regional Call Center takes reservations for dial a ride and demand response services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The Call Center provides comprehensive mobility management services that improve the coordination and operation of transportation services and supports county-led coordination services funded by Section 5310. This is an existing Section 5310 funded project.




Mobility as a Service Pilot

The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) app is a two-year pilot project designed to support customer access to one click real-time trip planning throughout Pace's six-county service area for Pace's Fixed Route, On-Demand and Paratransit family of services. Pace partnered with "Transit App "a readily available transit information app to launch a two-year MaaS Pilot project. "Transit App" provides and maps real-time public transit data and crowd-sources user data using the latest and best practices of General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) on all modes that have integrations, including fixed-route, micro-transit, inter-city bus and subways, commuter rail, taxi, ride hail, rideshare, scooter, bikeshare and carshare. Pace's partnership with "Transit App," marks Pace's first steps towards creating a MaaS platform with existing Pace vendors for Fixed Route, On-Demand, Paratransit, and Last-mile/first-mile connections. This award will fund the dial-a-ride and paratransit elements of the project, which primarily serve seniors and people with disabilities.





Federal/Local Match Process

Applicants are required to provide a reasonable cost estimate for the project and demonstrate the ability to fund the project at the time of applying. An operating project, whether classified as a traditional Section 5310 project or not, must provide a 50% local funding match in accordance with the HSTP. Capital and mobility management projects require a 20% local match. All of the local match must be provided from sources other than Federal DOT funds. For examples of other potential federal sources of local match, please view the CCAM Federal Fund Braiding Guide. Examples of sources of local match that may be used include the following:

  • State or local appropriations
  • Other non-DOT Federal funds
  • Dedicated tax revenues
  • Private donations
  • Revenue from human service contracts
  • Net income generated from advertising and concessions

Farebox revenue may not be used as local match. Farebox revenue is considered income and is deducted from total operating cost to determine the net cost of the activity. 

For more information or questions about the program, please contact Heather Mullins at (312) 913-3244 or For information on IDOT’s Section 5310 Consolidated Vehicle program, which selects and awards paratransit vehicles to eligible applicants, contact

Project Selection Process

All projects will be competitively selected through this open call for projects. Applications submitted will be reviewed by RTA staff for eligibility and then referred to a Project Selection Team (PST) for evaluation based on the criteria explained in the Program Management Plan. The PST is made up of staff from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the RTA, Easter Seals and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP).  All applicants are required to provide a presentation on their proposed project and participate in a Q & A session with the Project Selection Team at one of two virtual meetings held on May 25 at 9:00 a.m. or June 1 at 9:00 a.m. RTA staff will be in contact with you to determine which meeting you will attend.

Upon completion of the project evaluations, a recommended Program of Projects will be released for a 30-day public comment period. Following the public comment period, the RTA Board will be presented the Program of Projects for approval.

Projects may be recommended for approval at a lesser funding amount and reduced scope than originally requested, in order to achieve a fair and equitable distribution of funding and support as many eligible projects as possible for the duration of the programming period (2 years). If the PST deems it necessary to reduce the project scale/scope in order to align the project with budgetary constraints, the PST will consult with the applicant. RTA staff may also contact the applicant to obtain clarification on the application as it deems necessary.

The Project Selection Team will evaluate the projects based on this criteria taking into account the application and presentation to the Project Selection Team.

Eligible Applicants and Projects

All applicants are encouraged to work with other interested parties that may use or be affected by proposed projects. Projects are evaluated, in part, on an applicant's demonstrated efforts to coordinate with other parties such as government agencies, transportation providers, and social service groups. Any coordination aspects of the project should be noted in the project description and evidenced through other appropriate documentation, such as partnership agreements and cooperative operational arrangements. Projects that do not demonstrate coordination will generally not be awarded, unless specific circumstances that prevent coordination (such as the need to transport agency clients with specific mobility assistance needs) are clearly outlined in the proposal.

Eligible subrecipients for Traditional Section 5310 Projects include:

  • Private nonprofit organization; or
  • State or local governmental authority that:
    • is approved by a state to coordinate services for seniors and individuals with disabilities; or
    • certifies that there are no nonprofit organizations readily available in the area to provide the service.

Eligible subrecipients for other eligible Section 5310 activities include:

  • a state or local governmental authority
  • a private nonprofit organization
  • an operator of public transportation that receives a Section 5310 grant indirectly through a recipient

In Northeastern Illinois, the RTA Service Boards (CTA, Metra, and Pace), as FTA Direct Recipients, are allowed to apply for and receive grants directly from the FTA. Once the RTA awards a Section 5310 grant to a Service Board, they can then apply directly to the FTA for those funds. All other applicants receiving an award through the RTA-administered program becomes a grant subrecipient of the RTA. Subrecipients must be able to certify and demonstrate the ability to meet federal requirements regarding these programs during the application process.

Eligible Projects

Note: Rolling stock is not considered eligible for consideration under RTA calls for projects. IDOT is responsible for project selection and the award of Section 5310 funded paratransit vehicles in Northeastern Illinois and the RTA is responsible for all other Section 5310 projects. IDOT, through its Consolidated Vehicle Program (CVP), selects and awards paratransit vehicles to eligible applicants. For information regarding CVP, please contact

Eligible projects include those that are planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable. It may also be used for public transportation projects that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA) that improve access to fixed‐route service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on complementary paratransit, and for alternatives to public transportation that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities.

No less than 55 percent of funds awarded for Northeastern Illinois by fiscal year must be obligated to “traditional” Section 5310 projects. Traditional projects are those public transportation projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate.

In order for a project to receive funding from the traditional category of funds, it must be a capital project related to 5310-funded vehicles and the sub-recipient must either be a non-profit agency or a local unit of government that certifies no non-profit organizations are readily available in the area to provide services. An operating project may also be funded from the traditional category of funds, provided the service is implemented by a non-profit agency, which contracts out services to a third party.

Previously RTA funded projects include coordinated paratransit services, volunteer driver program, expansion of an existing service, and general public demand responsive paratransit service. A complete list of previously funded Section 5310 subrecipients and project descriptions are available on RTAMS.

Detailed guidance regarding eligible projects from FTA on the Section 5310 Program can be found in the most recent Section 5310 Program Circular 9070.1G.

Project Management and Reporting Requirements

The RTA, as the designated recipient of Section 5310 funding, is responsible for overseeing and administering the Section 5310 Program in Northeastern Illinois. Section 5310 subrecipients must have the staffing capability to manage the project and comply with reporting requirements for the Section 5310 Program. Reporting shall be required throughout the duration of the active project. Subrecipients are responsible for submitting quarterly reports to the RTA, in addition to any other reports as may be required. RTA will provide the reporting forms to the Section 5310 subrecipients. Reports submitted must be accurate, complete, and timely. Subrecipients will also be required to submit monthly invoices for reimbursement in a timely manner. RTA staff will also conduct on-site compliance reviews at the beginning of the project and every three years thereafter. Section 5310 subrecipients will be assigned an RTA Project Manager to assist with project management and may also consult the Section 5310 Subrecipient Guide for technical assistance.

The RTA encourages applicants to apply for mobility management funding to staff a Mobility Manager position to lead administration of individual projects. This funding can be used to fund a staff position that is responsible for administering the program (partner coordination, invoice preparation and submittal, reporting preparation and submittal) and can be the main point of contact for RTA staff. Mobility management is funded at 80 /20 (80% federal, 20% local).

Failure to comply with federal requirements may affect future funding and result in the loss of approved funding.

Program Documents

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